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以3种海鱼(牙鲆、狭鳕、鲱鱼)为样本,针对海产品中主要的致病性寄生虫-异尖线虫,开展了酶消化检测技术的研究.根据鱼肉消化前后干物质的质量变化设计了胃蛋白酶消化效率的计算方法,并按照鱼肉:消化液=1:10 (g/mL)的反应比例,分别确定了酶水解鱼肉的最佳条件为:初始pH值为1.1,温度为37 ℃,酶活力为8 U/mL左右;消化后所得的虫体采用多重PCR方法替代传统的形态学观察进行种属鉴定,从而初步建立了基于酶水解-多重PCR的异尖线虫的酶消化检测体系.实际样本检测表明,该技术可以较为准确、快速地用于海产鱼类中简单异尖线虫(Anisakis simplex)和伪地新线虫(Pseudoterranova decipiens)的确证性检测.  相似文献   
Elucidating the scale of gene flow among populations is an important challenge for understanding the ecological dynamics and local adaptation of marine organisms. We assessed whether gene flow is restricted even at a small spatial scale in the Japanese common intertidal goby Chaenogobius annularis, using highly polymorphic DNA markers, involving the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and 15 microsatellite DNA (msDNA), because past ecological studies have suggested low dispersal ability for rocky intertidal fishes. We found significant heterogeneities between four neighboring local populations by both mtDNA and msDNA analyses. In addition, no genetic heterogeneity was detected by either method across generations within a population; it was considered that such genetic differentiation is retained across generations and that the gene flow of this species is restricted to within a radius of a few kilometers. This is the first report showing a clear genetic subdivision in rocky intertidal fish.  相似文献   
There are awareness and concerns caused by the decreasing sea ice coverage around the Arctic and Antarctic due to effects of climate change. Emphasis in this study was on rapid changes in Arctic sea ice coverage and its impacts on the marine ecology during the fourth Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition in 2010. Our purpose was to establish a baseline of Arctic fish compositions, and consequent effects of climate change on the fish community and biogeography. Fish specimens were col- lected using a multinet middle-water trawl, French-type beam trawl, otter trawl, and triangular bottom trawl. In total, 36 tows were carried out along the shelf of the Bering Sea, Bering Strait, and Chukchi Sea in the Arctic Ocean. in total, 41 fish species belonging to 14 families in 7 orders were collected during the expedition. Among them, the Scorpaeniformes, including 17 species, accounted for almost one third of the total number (34.8%), followed by 14 species of the Perciformes (27.0%), 5 species of the Pleuronecti- formes (22.3%), and 2 species of the Gadiformes (15.4%). The top 6 most abundant species were Hippoglossoides robustus, Bore- gadus saida, Myoxocephalus scorpius, Lumpenus fabricii, Artediellus scaber, and Gymnoeanthus trieuspis. Abundant species var- ied according to the different fishing methods; numbers of families and species recorded did not differ with the various fishing methods; species and abundances decreased with depth and latitude; and species extending over their known geographic ranges were observed during the expedition. Station information, species list, and color photographs of all fishes are provided.  相似文献   
生长激素/胰岛素样生长因子-I轴(Growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor-I axis,GH/IGF-I轴)是调控鱼类生长的主要内分泌轴线,许多外源化学物质能够影响鱼类的生长,并且能够干扰GH/IGF-I轴。本文介绍了鱼类GH/IGF-I轴的组成、功能及其对鱼类生长的调控模式,并从GH/IGF-I轴角度探究外源化学物质影响鱼类生长的内分泌作用机制,展望了该领域的发展方向。  相似文献   
鱼类甲状腺轴由下丘脑、垂体、甲状腺组成,下丘脑通过分泌促甲状腺激素释放激素、促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素调节垂体促甲状腺激素的合成和分泌,促甲状腺激素促进甲状腺滤泡合成并释放甲状腺激素(主要为甲状腺素—T4),T4运输至肝脏等外周组织中,经过脱碘转化形成生物活性更强的三碘甲腺原氨酸(T3),T3主要通过同核受体结合发挥生物学功能。甲状腺激素对鱼类胚胎发育、仔鱼变态及性别分化等早期生长发育过程具有重要调控作用:甲状腺激素为鱼类胚胎发育期所必须,外加适量甲状腺激素能够提高胚胎或仔鱼存活率;仔鱼变态过程中,某些外部形态变化及相关组织分化依赖甲状腺激素的调控,牙鲆等仔鱼变态期体内甲状腺激素水平及其受体表达量会显著升高;性腺发育期,甲状腺激素对调控鱼类性别分化方向可能具有一定作用。  相似文献   
 针对现有的数字高程模型(DEMs)在自动提取虚拟河网过程中易受洼地、平原地区影响,产生不连续的或平行的错误河网的问题,本文基于Arc Hydro Tools,阐述了地表校正(Agree算法)和河道烧录(Stream burning)方法提取虚拟河网的关键步骤和基本思路,并以环渤海地区为例,分析了有(无)河网辅助信息下,河网提取结果的准确度。研究结果表明,增加辅助信息更有助于提高虚拟河网的精度和准确性,且河道烧录方法在虚拟河网的提取上比Agree算法更有优势。由于环渤海研究区平原面积广大,对提取结果有较大的影响,提取结果的精确度不高。针对这一问题,本文综合河道烧录和地表校正(Agree 算法)的特点,提出一种河网提取的改进思路,并选取滦河流域作为验证区。通过对比,改进后的河网提取结果与中国实际河网分布较为吻合,说明该改进思路是较为合理、可信的。  相似文献   
The live reef food fish trade (LRFFT) has caused severe depletion of the Humphead wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus) populations globally, a species considered endangered by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. In 2010, signatories to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora recognized that illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) activities in the LRFFT were undermining the efforts to protect this species. Management recommendations have yet to be effectively implemented at national and local levels where the fish is harvested. This paper analyzes the threats to, and socio-economic impacts of, Humphead wrasse recovery in Sabah, Malaysia, and offers both short- and longer-term recommendations for the local recovery of the species. Key issues addressed centre around understanding the threats to recovery, specifically the role of IUU and the context-specific considerations, including the socio-economic aspects of the IUU trade in Sabah. The analysis confirms that deliberate management planning and action at multiple levels are required to prevent local-scale extinction. Lessons for other species and countries involved in the LRFFT suggest that to be effective, broad management frameworks must be tailored to local situations and must focus on gaining support and participation of fish harvesters if the recovery and long-term sustainability of both the Humphead wrasse and the LRFFT are to be achieved.  相似文献   
以广西打狗河为例,对比分析河流东、西两岸地下河的土地覆盖差异及其对岩溶碳汇的影响。打狗河东岸林地占56.13%,耕地占15.15%;而西岸林地、耕地分别只占20.8%、12.95%。但西岸的裸岩和荒地比例大,分别占29.57%和25.95%,而东岸分别占14.19%和10.98%。植被和土壤覆盖差异导致了东、西两岸碳循环的地球化学指标有明显的差异,东岸地下河水的HCO3-、Ca2+、PCO2(平均分别是233.71mg/L、85.5mg/L、909.46Pa)明显高于西岸(分别为177.26mg/L、64.65mg/L、257.37Pa),而东岸的SIC、pH值(分别为0.12和7.40)又低于西岸(分别是0.38和7.85)。因此,东岸有更强的岩溶动力条件,东岸地下河的平均碳汇强度比西岸高14%,其中,东岸下桥地下河的碳汇强度是西岸旦峒地下河的3.7倍。东西岸地下河水的δ13CDIC、TOC资料也进一步证明了土地覆盖条件对地下河岩溶碳汇具有重要的影响。   相似文献   
利用NCEP1°×1°的再分析资料,用大尺度水汽通量流函数和速度势以及水汽收支对台风“麦莎”在移动过程中水汽输送流函数和速度势进行了分析。结果表明:台风“麦沙”在北上过程中,主要有2支水汽通道,一支是从太平洋开始向西经赤道到达印度洋,在索马里转向,经过孟家加拉湾呈西南气流向西北方向输送;另一支来自副高南侧偏东气流。计算分析还表明,用无辐散风流场来定台风中心要比用总的流场更精确。  相似文献   
为了更好地掌握重庆青木关地下河水文动态变化规律,2007年5月至2008年6月利用WGZ-1型光电数字水位计和水质监测仪(CTDP300型在线水质分析仪),对降雨量和地下河水位、水温、pH及电导率进行了连续自动监测,并采用水文动态曲线线型分析法分析了该地下河水文动态变化对降水事件的响应。结果表明,地下河水文动态对降雨响应迅速,水位流量过程曲线线型呈不对称尖峰型,尤其在2007年7月17日出现的大暴雨事件中,最高水位为1.175m,滞后最大雨强6h10min,最大流量为2.5781m3/s,而观测中该地下河最小流量仅为0.0189 m3/s,反映出该岩溶地下河发育强烈,赋水空间较单一、含水层对水资源调蓄能力较弱。电导率、pH和水温对降雨同样快速响应,电导率由602.7μs/cm降到462.09μs/cm,pH由7.23降到7.01,水温由18.9℃上升到19.5℃,各指标滞后不超过15h。   相似文献   
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